What can my MP do?

Members of Parliament are elected to the House of Commons to represent the interests and concerns of all people who live in their constituency, whether they voted for them at the General Election or not. They are only able to deal with the issues raised by those people who live in their constituency, called constituents.

They split their time between working in Parliament and working in their constituency. In Parliament, MPs spend their time fighting for the interests of their constituents, attending debates, scrutinising and voting on legislation, attending meetings and using their position to ask Government Ministers questions about current issues.

In their constituency, MPs hold advice surgeries for their constituents to come and talk to them about local issues and problems, attending meetings and community events, and visiting local organisations and businesses.

If your problem concerns the Local Authority (for example it is connected with services such as refuse collection, housing, planning permission or public lavatories), you should contact your local Council or Councillor.